At The TRAILblazer Lab, we like to explore the intersection of automation and play! We conduct applied R&D on how artificial intelligence, digital personalization, game-based learning and other emerging technologies can be used for teaching, learning, and technology skills development.

In this time of uncertainty brought by generative AI, quantum computing, the metaverse, and other disruptive technologies, we want to be trailblazers for productive, but responsible use of technology to support all learners in developing core computing skills and to be successful in today's workforce.

turned on gray laptop computer
turned on gray laptop computer


TRAILblazer Lab

Teaching and Research with AI Learning
at the University of Illinois Chicago

A robot hiking on a trail in the mountains, stylized as pixel art
A robot hiking on a trail in the mountains, stylized as pixel art

AI-generated Image by Microsoft Co-Pilot



We regularly share the results of our studies and projects in hope that we can encourage productive, yet responsible development of technologies and approaches for learning.

We are a group of scholars and graduate students who get really excited about new technologies and play. We have several combined decades of experience in research and development of technologies and teaching digital skills.

Our lab regularly initiates several new projects to ask groundbreaking questions about how new technologies can be effectively used for teaching, learning, and research.



QUAILS: Qualitative AI Labeling Support

Qualitative AI Labeling Support (QUAILS) is a software project that seeks to create automated categorization and coding procedures for large text-based datasets. QUAILS seeks to accelerate social sciences research with low-cost, AI-enabled tools to conduct qualitative research in a transparent and rigorous way with LLMs while prioritizing researcher oversight of identifying meaning within the data. QUAILS is currently under development - coming soon!

Logo: QUAILS method. Stylized quail icon, holding a magnifying glass, standing on a book labelLogo: QUAILS method. Stylized quail icon, holding a magnifying glass, standing on a book label

SkillTree is an AI-based system that identifies evidence of learners' skills while doing everyday participation and activities. Inspired by modern video games where players' characters skills are represented by a tree or network of the character's potential abilities that can be leveled up, so too does SkillTree represent learners' skills as a network of abilities that are able to be unlocked. SkillTree assists learners by keeping track of their progress and helping them set goals for their learning to unlock new skills. SkillTree is also good for teachers toward identifying students' individualized strengths and prior knowledge. SkillTree is currently under development - coming soon!